by francesca.oberti
July 5, 2024

Building tomorrow: the role of AI in transforming society

by francesca.oberti
July 5, 2024
Cristina Conti

Examining the future of technological evolution on healthcare, education, and environment. The importance of adopting a collaborative approach to create value, in an interview with Cristina Conti.

Artificial Intelligence holds the promise of creating cutting-edge solutions that can transform our society in profound ways. It is already influencing the job market, education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability.

How is AI currently shaping our lives, and what future applications could further enhance our existence through synergistic collaborations?

As we look toward the future, it is essential to address the challenges of responsible and ethical use of AI. Adopting a transparent and regulated approach is crucial to building a better future for all.

Today we’re surfing with Cristina Conti, Customer Engineering Manager at Google Cloud Italy.



How do you see AI evolving and influencing society in the coming decades?

AI has an immense potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives and address some of the world’s most pressing challenges. It will undoubtedly lead to improvements in current trends.

For instance, AI can significantly advance cancer treatment by analyzing vast amounts of medical data to identify patterns and develop more effective treatments. MedLM, a healthcare-focused generative AI built on the powerful language model Med-PaLM 2, empowers hospitals and doctors in several areas, including disease diagnosis, treatment planning, patient education, and medical research.

In the fight against climate change, AI can play a crucial role in monitoring environmental changes, optimizing energy consumption, and developing innovative renewable energy solutions. Google Cloud’s Carbon Footprint Tools offer companies detailed insights into the carbon emissions from their cloud services usage, enabling them to reduce their environmental impact effectively.

Developing projects that leverage AI to analyze vast amounts of satellite and climate data can significantly enhance our ability to monitor and predict environmental changes. AI can optimize water resource management in agriculture, reducing excessive water use, or make education more accessible by personalizing learning experiences to cater to individual needs, thereby bridging educational gaps and empowering learners worldwide.

At Google Cloud, we are committed to harnessing AI’s potential responsibly and safely for the betterment of society. We focus on developing AI technologies that are ethical, transparent, and inclusive, ensuring they contribute positively to global challenges.

AI is not about replacing human workers but augmenting their capabilities. The concept of “human in the loop” is crucial: AI systems can assist humans in performing tasks more efficiently, allowing them to focus on more complex and creative aspects of their jobs. This collaboration between AI and human workers can lead to significant productivity gains and innovation across industries.

The backbone of these advancements is a robust and scalable cloud infrastructure. For AI applications to reach their full potential, they require a secure, reliable, and scalable platform. Google Cloud offers such a platform, supporting the development and deployment of complex AI solutions. We see AI not merely as a collection of models but as a comprehensive platform that integrates these technologies into business processes, driving transformation and innovation.

To fully leverage AI applications, a robust and scalable cloud infrastructure is essential, and our AI-optimized infrastructure meets this need, enabling effective AI development and deployment.

Will the AI Act slow down European innovation in AI?

The introduction of the AI Act by the European Union is a pivotal step in regulating the development and use of Artificial Intelligence. While some fear that this regulation might hinder innovation, it is crucial to consider the context and potential benefits it can bring.

At Google Cloud, we prioritize the importance of AI regulation to ensure its ethical and responsible development. The AI Act is a significant step in this direction, setting clear guidelines for AI use in sensitive sectors such as healthcare, finance, and security. This regulatory framework not only protects consumers and businesses but also fosters a trustworthy environment necessary for widespread AI adoption.

We are actively committed to collaborating with European lawmakers to ensure that the AI Act is practical and conducive to innovation. By participating in working groups and providing technical input, Google Cloud aims to help create a regulation that balances user protection with the necessary flexibility for innovation.

Europe has the potential to become a global leader in AI. In 2023, the AI market experienced significant growth, with Italy alone recording a 52% increase, a substantial acceleration compared to 32% in 2022. 

With a robust regulatory framework and the right support for innovation, Europe can leverage AI to address global challenges such as climate change, support healthcare advancements, and promote sustainability.

How will AI change the job landscape and what will be the implications for the job market?

The adoption of AI will necessitate workers to adapt to the evolving job landscape by acquiring new skills and developing new capabilities. In Italy, according to research from the Observatories Artificial Intelligence of the School of Management at Politecnico di Milano, 61% of large enterprises have at least experimental AI projects, while this percentage drops to 18% among small and medium-sized enterprises. This indicates that workers must learn new skills due to automation and AI. The required skills will range from advanced digital literacy to the ability to work with complex data and algorithms.

Google Cloud recognizes this need and offers a variety of resources to help workers develop the skills necessary to succeed in the AI era. Through programs like Google Cloud Training and Certification, workers can acquire technical skills in machine learning, data analysis, and AI application development. These programs are designed to be accessible and flexible, allowing workers to learn at their own pace and tailor the training to their specific needs.

A recent study by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) shows that AI will impact approximately 40% of jobs worldwide. Many roles may be scaled down as AI can manage basic tasks automatically. However, new categories of workers specializing in applying these technologies in sectors such as healthcare, logistics, and finance will be needed.

The integration of AI into the labor market has profound implications. It can lead to greater efficiency and productivity, reducing operational costs and improving services. However, it could also exacerbate inequalities if not accompanied by adequate training and inclusion policies. It is essential for governments, businesses, and educational institutions to collaborate and create an ecosystem that supports workers’ transition to emerging new roles.

AI represents a transformative force that will radically change the job landscape. While it brings significant challenges, it also offers extraordinary opportunities for creating new jobs and developing new skills. Google Cloud is committed to supporting workers in this transition, offering resources and training programs to ensure they can thrive in the AI era. With the right support and adequate training, AI can help create a more innovative, inclusive, and prosperous future of work.

Google Cloud’s AI is designed to work alongside humans, enhancing their capabilities and helping them perform their jobs more efficiently. For instance, Google Cloud Contact Center AI automates responses to frequently asked questions, allowing human operators to focus on more complex issues and provide higher quality customer service. Gemini for Google Workspace empowers users with AI-powered assistance across various Google Workspace applications, including Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Meet. This intelligent tool acts as a research analyst, sales assistant, writing companion, and more, enabling users to streamline tasks, enhance productivity, and gain valuable insights.

What are the main ethical challenges in the development and use of AI by Google? How do you ensure that AI is developed and used responsibly and non-discriminatorily?

Artificial Intelligence systems can be misused for harmful purposes, such as unauthorized surveillance or information manipulation. Google is committed to developing AI responsibly by implementing stringent controls to ensure these technologies are not used to harm people.

To this end, Google has established a set of AI principles that guide its development and use within the company. These principles assert that AI should be socially beneficial, avoid creating or reinforcing discrimination, be built, and tested for safety, and remain accountable to people.

We have also formed a dedicated Ethical AI Team to ensure AI is developed and used responsibly. This team collaborates with engineers, researchers, and product managers to identify and mitigate potential ethical risks and conducts regular audits of AI models to ensure they are unbiased and fair.

From a technological standpoint, we employ advanced techniques and tools to develop AI responsibly. Our ML Quality Controls provide tools and services to ensure Machine Learning (ML) models are reliable, ethical, and safe throughout their lifecycle—from development to deployment and monitoring. Standard practices include data validation, model evaluation, continuous monitoring, and model explanation.

To understand and interpret the predictions and decisions of ML models, we implement Explainable AI. Explaining how models work is crucial for building trust, identifying biases, improving models, and complying with regulatory requirements.

Can you describe some concrete examples of how AI is being used to improve people’s lives in sectors such as healthcare, education, and the environment?

The scope and application of these technologies are so extensive that it is impossible to exhaustively define all potential use cases. However, based on current trends and research, significant and continuous use is expected in healthcare, particularly in disease diagnosis. AI is being utilized to analyze X-rays, CT scans, and other medical images, aiding doctors in diagnosing diseases more quickly and accurately.


Cristina Conti - Quote


The European Education Hub-Artificial Intelligence affirms that AI can significantly enhance education. With these technologies, it will be possible to analyze students’ learning progress, suggest personalized educational materials, and automate data-based school processes.

AI is also making notable contributions in climate change monitoring. Google Earth Engine, for example, improves the accuracy of climate predictions by leveraging AI to analyze vast amounts of satellite data. This helps scientists and researchers monitor deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and other environmental indicators in real-time. As Bloomberg notes, this tool also enhances transparency by distributing collected information digitally, making it more accessible.

Today’s technological innovations offer the right tools to create effective solutions for renewable energy. Google has implemented AI algorithms in its data centers, reducing energy consumption by 40%. Additionally, company has invested in AI projects to optimize the production of solar and wind energy, thereby improving the reliability of renewable energy grids.

What are the most promising future applications of AI and how could they transform society in the coming years?

The most promising future applications of AI are poised to transform society in profound ways. Among these, generative AI stands out with several transformative applications that could revolutionize various sectors.

Creative AI is one of the most exciting areas where generative AI can make a significant impact. This technology can be used to create new content such as music, art, and text. In the entertainment industry, AI-generated music and art can lead to novel forms of expression and creativity, offering unique experiences to audiences. In the design and advertising sectors, AI can generate innovative designs and compelling ad copy, enhancing creativity and efficiency. This democratization of creative tools means that even those without traditional artistic skills can produce high-quality content, broadening the scope of creative possibilities.

Conversational AI is another area with transformative potential. By creating more natural and intuitive user interfaces, conversational AI can significantly change how we interact with computers and mobile devices. Virtual assistants and chatbots, powered by advanced natural language processing, can understand and respond to human language with increasing accuracy and context-awareness. This not only improves user experience but also expands access to technology for those who may struggle with traditional interfaces, such as the elderly or disabled. In business, conversational AI can enhance customer service, making interactions more efficient and personalized.

Autonomous AI promises to revolutionize sectors such as transportation, manufacturing, and logistics. Autonomous vehicles, for instance, can operate without human intervention, potentially reducing traffic accidents, easing congestion, and providing mobility solutions to those unable to drive. In manufacturing, robots equipped with autonomous AI can handle complex tasks, improving productivity and safety. In logistics, AI-driven systems can optimize supply chains, reducing costs and improving delivery times. These advancements could lead to significant economic benefits, including increased efficiency and new job opportunities in tech-driven industries.

How does Google collaborate with other companies and researchers to advance in the field of Artificial Intelligence?

Google publicly releases many of its AI tools and algorithms as open-source software. By making these resources available, we encourage collaboration and innovation across the AI community. Researchers and developers can use, modify, and contribute to these open-source projects, fostering a collective effort to advance AI technology. Through these initiatives, Google not only drives progress within its own operations but also supports the broader advancement of AI across various industries and research fields.

We strongly believe in the vision of a global community working together to create a better future for society and the planet. To address current needs effectively and anticipate future ones, we leverage partnerships with companies that share this vision.

For these reasons, we are excited about our partnership with BIP and its newly established Datwave. This collaboration focuses on accelerating transformation through Google Cloud technologies and supporting organizations in navigating change and seizing opportunities arising from the innovation process.

What motivated you to work in the world of cloud computing/artificial intelligence, and what motivates you to continue in this field?

When I was deciding what to study at university, I had three ideas in mind: I wanted to use mathematics and logic, I wanted to use technology, and I wanted to see real applications, not just theory, of where the future could take us. I wasn’t disappointed! Over the years, I have had the opportunity to experiment with cutting-edge technology, exploit the cloud for its great potential for flexibility, scalability, and innovation, and work with companies of all kinds to dream big and envision a future IT at the center of business transformations. How can you not enjoy yourself every day?



Cristina Conti is an experienced technology lead, focusing on helping customers solve their everyday business problems in their journey transformation to the cloud. She currently is a Customer Engineering Manager and leads a team of cross-vertical customer engineers at Google Cloud Italy, whose responsibilities span from modernizing their infrastructure to the Cloud up to embedding artificial intelligence in business solutions. Cristina’s own background focuses on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applications.

Cristina holds a master’s degree in Statistics and Biostatistics, which she obtained at University of Bologna internationally, having spent part of her time in Spain and in the U.S., preparing her thesis as a visiting scholar at University of California in Berkeley.

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