
New Episode of #InnovateFaster is Live!

Innovate Faster - Podcast

Tune in to the latest episode of Innovate Faster and discover how Datwave supported E.ON in enhancing their customer experience (CX) by streamlining their digital transformation process. This was achieved through the innovative use of the Datwave Cognitive Suite and Google Cloud services. In this episode, we delve into the challenges of digital transformation and […]

Meta BI: The Evolution of BI Towards the Metaverse

Meta BI: The evolution of BI towards the metaverse

Introduction Besides entertaining us with spectacular stories, science fiction also has the ability to stimulate our imagination and, in a certain way, predict how the technological landscape will be shaped in the future. For example, in the context of data analytics, films like “Minority Report” allow us to envision what it would be like to […]